Camp Millennium is FREE for all campers. Families are never charged or solicited. Our cost for camp is approximately $1,000 per camper.
Camp Millennium is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, I.D. #47-0881224. We are funded by donations from individuals, businesses, and organizations. Cash donations and camp supplies are welcome. A donation of $10,000 sponsors an entire cabin which houses 10 campers, or a $1,000 donation will allow one child to attend camp. All donations are restricted to the support of the Camp Millennium program.
Checks and money orders can be made payable to Camp Millennium,
2880 NW Stewart Pkwy #200, Roseburg, OR 97471 or donate online.
Checks and money orders can be made payable to Camp Millennium,
2880 NW Stewart Pkwy #200, Roseburg, OR 97471 or donate online.
Camp Millennium is a member of the Children’s Oncology Camping Association and is overseen and directed by an Administrative Board. The Board and sub-committees meet several times a month throughout the year to plan, organize and implement the program. Individuals, including a full-time medical staff, support staff, and camp counselors, volunteer their time each year at Camp Millennium. Camp counselors are ready to show these children a great time, as well as provide friendship and love. Counselors are mature individuals with a special zest for life. These volunteers come from all over Oregon and many other states across the country. Staff must be at least nineteen years of age and pass a background check.
Camp Millennium is for children from 5-16 years of age who are dealing with a cancer diagnosis. Children from all over the state of Oregon apply each year through physicians, self-referral, and support groups. The parents then complete and submit the applications to the camp office for approval. Campers are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, although spaces are held for newly diagnosed children.